
Showing posts from March, 2018


 जय मां पूर्णागिरि  पूर्णागिरि मन्दिर भारत के उत्तराखण्ड प्रान्त के टनकपुर में अन्नपूर्णा शिखर पर ५५०० फुट की ऊँचाई पर स्थित है। यह १०८ सिद्ध पीठों में से एक है।  यह स्थान महाकाली की पीठ माना जाता है। कहा जाता है कि दक्ष प्रजापति की कन्या और शिव की अर्धांगिनी सती की नाभि का भाग यहाँ पर विष्णु चक्र से कट कर गिरा था।  प्रतिवर्ष इस शक्ति पीठ की यात्रा करने आस्थावान श्रद्धालु कष्ट सहकर भी यहाँ आते हैं। यह स्थान टनकपुर से मात्र १७ कि॰मी॰ की दूरी पर है। अन्तिम १७ कि॰मी॰ का रास्ता श्रद्धालु अपूर्व आस्था के साथ पार करते हैं। नेपाल इसके बगल में है। समुद्र तल से ३००० मीटर की ऊचाई पर स्थित है। पूर्णागिरी मन्दिर टनकपुर से २० कि॰ मी॰, पिथौरागढ से १७१ कि॰मी॰ और चम्पावत से ९२ कि॰मी॰ की दूरी पर स्थित है। पूर्णागिरी मे वर्ष भर तीर्थयात्रियो का भारत के सभी प्रान्तो से आना लगा रहता है। विशेषकर नवरात्रि (मार्च-अप्रैल) के महीने में भक्त अधिक संख्या में आते हैं। भक्त यहाँ पर दर्शनों के लिये भक्तिभाव के साथ पहाड़ पर चढ़ाई करते हैं। पूर्णागिरी पुण्यगिरी के नाम से भी जाना ...

True love of father for his son

“Falling in love,” is significant because no one rises in love or climbs in love. You fall in love, because something of who you are has to go. If not the whole of you, at least a part of you should collapse. Only then there is a love affair. You are willing to destroy a bit of yourself for the sake of the other. It essentially means someone else has become far more important than yourself. Unfortunately, what most people call “love” is just a mutual benefit scheme. If you can look at everything lovingly, the whole world becomes beautiful in your experience. You realize love is not something that you do; love is the way you are. Every action that we do is in some way to fulfill certain needs. If you see this, there is a possibility that you can grow into love as your natural quality. But people go on fooling themselves into believing that the relationships they have made for convenience, comfort and wellbeing, are actually relationships of love. I am not saying there is no experien...


THE SEVEN SPIRITUAL LAWS OF SUCCESS LAW OF PURE POTENTIALITY If you have the desire,you have the ability to manifest that desire. LAW OF GIVING If you want joy, give joy to others;if you want love,learn to give love....Give what you want. LAW OF KARMA We reap what we sow so plant good seeds. LAW OF LEAST EFFORTS Grass doesn't try to grow,it just grows. Fish don't try to swim,they just swim.....Practice acceptance,responsibility and defencelessness. LAW OF INTENTION AND DESIRE One pointed intention the quality of attention that is unbending in its fixity of purpose. LAW OF DETACHMENT In order to acquire to anything, you have to relinquish you attachment to it. LAW OF "DHARMA" Everyone has a purpose in life -a unique gift or spacial talent to give to others.

The Gift of GOD

The Gift of GOD I'm proud of my hard work. Working hard won't always lead to the exact things we desire. There are many things I've wanted that I haven't always gotten. But, I have a great satisfaction in the blessings from my mother and father, who instilled a great work ethic in me both personally and professionally. Because my father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me. Peace is the beauty of life. It is sunshine. It is the smile of a child, the love of a mother, the joy of a father, the togetherness of a family. It is the advancement of man, the victory of a just cause, the triumph of truth. Open this link and see the real love of father for his son.